

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013



Description du produit

Entre art et science, cet ouvrage offre une vision inédite de la planète Mars en réunissant pour la première fois une série d'images panoramiques récemment transmises par le satellite d'observation américain MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter). Doté du télescope Hirise, ce satellite cartographie la surface de la planète à travers des images d'une résolution exceptionnelle. En orbite depuis 2006, Hirise révèle ainsi toute la beauté de cette planète mythique : chaque cliché montre une zone large de 6 km et dévoile toute la géographie et les multiples trésors géologiques et minéralogiques de Mars. Conçu comme un atlas visuel, ce livre emmène le lecteur dans un voyage fantastique : des canyons de Valles Marineris aux proportions vertigineuses, aux dunes noires de Noachis en passant par le volcan Olympe, plus haut sommet de notre système solaire, sans oublier les vastes étendues de glace carbonique situées aux pôles, à la recherche de traces d'eau... Ces images d'une grande beauté, évoquant parfois la peinture abstraite, séduiront autant les amateurs d'art que les passionnés de science.

The discovery of life on Mars places a robotic expedition and a manned mission in a race to the Red Planet. On the way we discover that love - biological, spiritual ,We are NASA's Planetary Science Division. Our hardworking robots explore the planets and more on the wild frontiers of our solar system.,Offers an interactive map of this planet.,Mars Super Markets has 17 grocery stores in Maryland offering everyday low prices, weekly ads and online recipe finder.,Images and news from NASA's rovers and orbiters exploring Mars -- past, present and future.,Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Befitting the red planet's bloody color, the Romans named it after their god of war. The Romans copied the ancient Greeks, who ,Mars is one of world's leading food manufacturers known for its chocolates & candy, as well as pet care, food, and drink products from many brands you know and trust.,Exploration of the planet Mars - facts, rover, mission, videos, pictures and information,Mars has some of the most highly varied and interesting terrain of any of the terrestrial planets, some of it quite spectacular: Olympus Mons: the largest mountain in ,Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System, after Mercury. Named after the Roman god of war, it is often described as

Mars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System, after Mercury. Named after the Roman god of war, it is often described as

Mars l Mars facts, pictures and information.
Mars has some of the most highly varied and interesting terrain of any of the terrestrial planets, some of it quite spectacular: Olympus Mons: the largest mountain in

Mars Exploration Program - NASA
Exploration of the planet Mars - facts, rover, mission, videos, pictures and information

Mars | Worlds Leading Petcare, Chocolate, Confection
Mars is one of world's leading food manufacturers known for its chocolates & candy, as well as pet care, food, and drink products from many brands you know and trust.

Mars: Facts and Information About the Red Planet |
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. Befitting the red planet's bloody color, the Romans named it after their god of war. The Romans copied the ancient Greeks, who

Mars | NASA
Images and news from NASA's rovers and orbiters exploring Mars -- past, present and future.

Mars - Official Site
Mars Super Markets has 17 grocery stores in Maryland offering everyday low prices, weekly ads and online recipe finder.

Google Mars
Offers an interactive map of this planet.

Solar System Exploration: Planets: Mars: Overview
We are NASA's Planetary Science Division. Our hardworking robots explore the planets and more on the wild frontiers of our solar system.

Mars (2010) - IMDb
The discovery of life on Mars places a robotic expedition and a manned mission in a race to the Red Planet. On the way we discover that love - biological, spiritual

Détails sur le produit

  • Rang parmi les ventes : #54073 dans Livres
  • Publié le: 2013-09-05
  • Sorti le: 2013-09-05
  • Langue d'origine:
  • Reliure: Relié
  • 272 pages

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